FOI-23 | Number of Occupants and UK Nationals Housed
1. The total number of occupants in social housing managed by Provanhall Housing Association Ltd.
2. The total number of UK nationals who are occupants in social housing managed by Provanhall Housing Association Ltd.
| 24 Dec 2024 | 15 Jan 2025 |  |
FOI-22 | Request for Environmental Information on Low-Carbon Heating Installations
To Whom it may concern,
I am writing to formally request information under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRs). As part of my PhD research into household decarbonisation and the adoption of sustainable heating technologies, I am seeking information on low-carbon heating solutions implemented in your housing stock.
Specifically, I would appreciate details regarding:
1. The types of low-carbon heating systems installed in properties managed by your housing association (e.g., heat pumps, solar panels, district heating systems, etc.).
2. The number of properties where such technologies have been deployed.
3. Which properties are currently installed with which low carbon heating systems (e.g. address with type of heating system)
I believe this information is covered under the EIRs as it pertains to measures affecting or likely to affect elements of the environment, including energy efficiency and carbon emissions.
If possible, I kindly request that the information be provided in an electronic format (e.g., spreadsheets or reports) and within the timeframe outlined under the EIRs. Should any of the requested information be exempt or unavailable, I would appreciate an explanation in line with the requirements of the regulations.
If there are costs associated with processing this request, please inform me in advance. I am happy to provide further details about my research if required and would welcome any additional context or documentation you can share regarding your decarbonisation efforts.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response!
Kind regards,
Rosemary Sida
| 26 Nov 2024 | 3 Dec 2024 |  |
FOI-21 | Common path outside close of 40 Auchinlea Road, Glasgow G34 9NL leading to close door
Dear Sirs
Accident date: 4 August 2024
Our client: James Main
Accident locus: Path outside close of 40 Auchinlea Road, Glasgow G34 9NL
We act on behalf of Mr James Main in connection with his claim for damages arising out of injuries he sustained on 4 August 2024 as a result of tripping on a defect slab at the above locus.
In terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 we would be obliged if you would forward to us all documentation you hold showing:
1. Record of the path being adopted by Provanhall Housing Association.
2. Records of all inspections carried out for the 3 years prior to the accident.
3. Records of all repairs and other works carried out at the locus for 3 years prior to the accident to present.
4. Records of any reports made to you in relation to the condition of the locus during the 3 years prior to this accident.
5. Any complaints made to regarding the locus for 3 years prior to the accident to present.
6. Any reports made to you in relation to this accident.
7. Inspection and repair policy for pavements and paths.
We thank you in anticipation of your kind assistance and we look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Yours faithfully
Ms Jena Mohammed
| 17 Sep 2024 | 11 Oct 2024 |  |
FOI-20 | Evictions between 6 September 2022 and 31 March 2024
1. How many social housing tenants in total were evicted from your properties between 6 September 2022 and 31 March 2024, ie over the course of the
Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022?
2. How many of these tenants were evicted due to rent arrears?
3. How many of these tenants were evicted due to anti-social behaviour?
4. Please disclose all other reasons for which social tenants were evicted during this period? | 8 May 2024 | 8 May 2024 |  |
FOI-19 | Violence at Work
For the time period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 (or your nearest 12-month period), please provide the following:
1. total number of violent incidents on your staff broken down by job title/category of worker
2. a breakdown of the nature of the violent incident e.g., verbal, physical, threatening behaviour
3. how many violent incidents have been reported under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences) Regulations, with a breakdown by job title/category of worker
Please could you break this information down into incidents involving female staff / male staff.
Violent incidents can include verbal abuse or threats including face to face; online and via telephone; physical attacks; threatening behaviour; racial abuse and sexual harassment/violence. | 2 May 2024 | 8 May 2024 |  |
FOI-18 | Pest Infestations
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am writing to request information regarding pest infestations reported within properties managed by the Housing Association.
Please provide details on the following:
1. Number of Reports: The total number of pest infestation reports filed by residents of properties managed by the Housing Association over the last five years. Could this be broken down by year.
2. Types of Pests: A breakdown of these reports by the type of pests identified (e.g., rodents, insects, etc.).
3. The total number of properties currently managed by the Housing Association. | 12 Feb 2024 | 14 Feb 2024 |  |
FOI-17 | Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)
I am a journalist at BBC Scotland working on coverage around safety concerns over Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) and its lifespan.
Although much of the coverage has focused on public buildings, previous reports in Inside Housing have pointed to the use of the material in social housing built in the 1960s and 1970s. As such, we are also hoping ascertain how widespread this material is in Scotland’s housing stock. We are contacting all housing associations listed on the Register of Social Landlords about the presence of RAAC within their stock.
Could you please answer the following questions:
1. Has RAAC been used/detected in any of your properties? If so, how many properties are affected?
2. Does the HA intend to carry further inspections on its properties to ascertain how many have RAAC?
3. Has remedial work been carried out, or is scheduled to be carried out, as a result of RAAC being detected? If so, how many properties are affected?
If possible, could you respond to this email by Wednesday (Sept 6)? Any information provided will be used in summary alongside other housing associations. | 6 Sep 2023 | 18 Sep 2023 |  |
FOI-16 | Rent Arrear Evictions
Could you tell me how many social housing tenants in Scotland have been evicted from your properties for being in rent arrears between September 6th 2022 and now, and also how many tenants have been served with eviction notices in that same period for being in rent arrears? | 14 Feb 2023 | 23 Feb 2023 |  |
FOI-15 | Length of housing waiting list
Hi is there a long wait for housing ? | 14 Nov 2022 | 14 Nov 2022 |  |
FOI-14 | Violence at Work
For the time period 31st March 2021 to 31st March 2022 please provide the following:
1. total number of violent incidents on your staff broken down by job title/category of worker
2. a breakdown of the nature of the violent incident e.g., verbal, physical, threatening behaviour
3. how many violent incidents have been reported under RIDDOR Regulations, with a breakdown by job title/category of worker
| 18 Aug 2022 | 12 Sep 2022 |  |
FOI-13 | Use of Expanded Polystyrene Cladding
Under FOISA, I am looking for information about the use of Expanded Polystyrene insulation (EPS) in (a) your housing stock, and where (b) external wall cladding insulation has been retrofitted to existing homes to improve the insulation, including through existing Home Energy Efficiency Programmes for Scotland, such as the ABS and other programmes now closed.
For both a) and b) please indicate:
1. On how many properties EPS has been installed
2. of the properties which had it installed, how many had (i) fire retardant and (ii) non-fire retardant EPS installed
3. How many of those properties EPS been removed from
4. of the properties which had EPS installed, how many had 6mm or more of render cover installed
Many thanks
| 9 May 2022 | 1 Jun 2022 |  |
FOI-12 | Employment Advice Costs
1. Over the past 3 years how much has been spent by your Housing Association on obtaining employment law advice or guidance from private HR companies and law firms relating to all aspects of grievances and disciplinary procedures associated with your housing association?
2. Over the past 3 years how much has been spent by your Housing Association on obtaining redundancy advice or guidance from private HR companies and law firms relating to all aspects associated with your housing association?
3. Over the past 3 years how much has been spent by your Housing Association on obtaining advice or guidance from private HR companies and law firms relating to restructuring associated with your housing association?
| 10 Jan 2022 | 10 Jan 2022 |  |
FOI-11 | Query
The name of the company used to install the new bathrooms on Conisbrough Road | 17 Jul 2021 | 20 Jul 2021 |  |
FOI-10 | BAME employees within RSL Provahall
a) The current number of Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) employees at your association.
b) The total number of BAME former employees who have left your association in the last 5 years.
c) The total number of BAME individuals employed in senior and strategic roles within your association to date.
d) Information about what actions your association has taken to proactively encourage, support, and assist your employees from a BAME background into senior and strategic roles within your association to date.
e) Information about what actions your association has taken to understand the ethnic backgrounds, needs, and aspirations of BAME individuals to date.
f) Information about what actions your association has taken to recruit BAME individuals into working for your association to date.
g) Information about what actions your association intends to take to recruit BAME individuals into working for your association in the future. | 4 May 2021 | 5 May 2021 |  |
FOI-9 | RSL Applications, tenants and housing stock
1. A breakdown of the priority needs for your organisation's housing list, and the number of applications currently in each band.
2. The number of total applications on your housing list per year for the years 2015 to 2021.
3. The number of applications currently on the housing list for each of the property types, 1-bed, 2-bed, etc.
4. How many properties have been let to tenants per year during the last 5 years starting with 2015/16.
5. How many properties are due to be completed in the next business year 2021/22, broken down by property type, i.e. 1-bed, 2-bed.
6. The total housing stock for the last 5 years from 2015 - 2021, broken down by year and by property type.
7. A list of rental prices for the last 5 years. | 4 May 2021 | 5 May 2021 |  |